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October is National Window Covering Safety Month, a time to raise awareness about an often-overlooked hazard in many homes. Unfortunately, about one child dies every month due to strangulation by a window cord. It’s a tragic statistic that highlights the importance of ensuring our homes are safe for our little ones.

Why Window Covering Safety Matters

Many parents meticulously baby-proof their homes, from securing cabinets to covering electrical outlets. However, window cords can pose a significant yet hidden threat. Babies and young children are naturally curious and may find themselves drawn to dangling cords. Imagine your baby crawling on the floor and discovering a cord within reach. In a matter of seconds, that cord can become a life-threatening hazard.

Key Safety Tips for Parents

To help keep your children safe, consider these essential tips during National Window Covering Safety Month:

1. Choose Cordless Window Coverings

The best way to eliminate the risk posed by window cords is to opt for cordless window coverings. Many modern blinds and shades are available in cordless styles, which not only enhance safety but also add a sleek and contemporary look to your home.

2. Keep Cords Out of Reach

If replacing your window coverings isn’t an option, make sure all cords are kept well out of reach of children. Use cord cleats or wind-up devices to secure excess cords high and away from little hands.

3. Position Furniture Wisely

Never place cribs, beds, or other furniture near windows with accessible cords. Children can easily climb onto furniture and reach for the cords, increasing the risk of an accident.

4. Regularly Inspect Window Coverings

Frequently check your window coverings to ensure they are in good condition and that cords are secured. Replace any broken or malfunctioning blinds immediately.

5. Educate Your Family

Make sure everyone in your household, including grandparents and babysitters, understands the dangers of window cords and the importance of keeping them out of children’s reach.


Keeping our children safe is a top priority for all parents. During National Window Covering Safety Month, take the time to evaluate your home and implement these safety measures. By making a few simple changes, you can significantly reduce the risk of window cord-related accidents and create a safer environment for your little ones.

Remember, children and window cover cords don’t mix. Make the switch to safer alternatives and keep those you love most out of harm’s way.

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