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At Kaiman & Crahan, we have worked on cases, which have resulted in tens of millions in verdicts and settlements during our tenure as one of the oldest and most respected firms in Louisville, as well as the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We work hard to ensure that your rights are protected. 

A case we are currently working diligently on involves the rights of a former JCPS student. See below for the details of our case, from WDRB:

“A former Jefferson County Public School student is suing the district after a fight with a staff member.

The fight was recorded on cell phone video, inside a school bathroom. The district said that the staff member is no longer employed with JCPS.

According to court records, the fight started over the number of paper towels the student used.  

An attorney for the victim tells WDRB the staff member seen hitting his client in the video is Sharlene Hall. Hall was featured in an “I am JCPS” promotional video in 2022. At the time, Hall was a plant manager within the district. In the video she talked extensively about how much she loved her job. 

“And make sure they feel loved and comfortable like they are at their homes, ya know, a lot of kids do come to the custodians to talk, to make them feel comfortable and loved and have a clean and safe environment that is what I’m supposed to do,” Hall said in the promotional video. 

Hall recently pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault in the criminal case. According to the complaint against her, Hall hit a student several times while she was on the floor, and another staff member stepped in to stop the fight. Hall has not yet been sentenced in that case. 

That student and her mother have now filed a civil suit against the district and Hall.”

Learn more about this ongoing case here.

At Kaiman & Crahan, we are dedicated to you and your case. We offer personal attention, availability, and respect, and we promise to listen and give you an honest, professional, legal assessment of your claim. If you have been wrongfully injured, contact us today.

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