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Though it has already melted, the greater Kentuckiana area has received about 1-3 inches of snow. The first snowfall of the year can be scary and confusing (as we saw with all of the school closures), and it’s best to be prepared for every snowfall!

Some recommendations for driving in the snow from your friends at Kaiman & Crahan:

  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly and try to avoid moving in a hurry. Take your time when turning and stopping for a stoplight.
  • During normal driving circumstances a safe following distance is 3-4 seconds. That time should be increased to 8-10 seconds when there is snow on the pavement.
  • Don’t try to power up hills. When applying extra gas your wheels will only spin in place. Instead, apply enough gas to make sure you reach the top and then reduce your speed to go down the hill slowly.
  • Don’t stop if you don’t have to- whether going up a hill or on flat ground, it’s a lot harder to accelerate from a complete stop.
  • And lastly, if the snow becomes ice, or is otherwise dangerous to you, simply stay home.

Other safety tips overall for the winter months:

  • Don’t run your vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage.
  • Get a tune-up for your car by checking all fluids, brakes and tires.
  • Keep you gas tank at least half full.
  • Don’t drive with cruise control in slippery conditions.
  • And ALWAYS wear a seatbelt.

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