Road biking is increasing in popularity in Louisville and the surrounding counties. During ideal weather, and especially on the weekends, roads like River Road and the back county roads in Oldham Country and Shelby County are populated with cyclists.
For a motorist, bikes can be frustrating. For a cyclist, however, cars can be dangerous, or even fatal.
Hundreds of cyclists are injured each year by motorists who are negligent, usually because the motorists are distracted or impatient.
Why are bike accidents on the rise? The answer can be summed up as follows:
– Drivers do not want to share the road, plain and simple.
-Distracted driving is increasing with advancing technologies. Motorists who are texting, fiddling with their music, and more recently playing Pokémon Go, are responsible for many of the accidents involving cyclists.
– Drivers being impatient. Motorists seem to be in a hurry to pass cyclists. Passing a cyclist is fine as long as you have the proper space and time to do so.
– Blind spots – It is common for drivers to switch lanes, turn suddenly, or swerve without paying proper attention to the road.
Contact Your Louisville Attorneys, Kaiman & Crahan, Today
If you, or someone you know, have been the victim of a bicycle accident through no fault of your own, it’s a good idea to contact an attorney who can guide you through this difficult time. There are laws that protect the rights of cyclists who find themselves in unfortunate situations such as this.
Kaiman & Crahan can be reached at (502) 771-0741.