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Holiday Personal Injury Cases

Holiday Personal Injury Cases

The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration. However, it also sees an unfortunate rise in certain types of accidents leading to personal injury. At Kaiman & Crahan, as experienced Louisville attorneys, we feel it’s important to raise awareness about...
Preventing Slips and Falls During Winter

Preventing Slips and Falls During Winter

As winter rolls in with its icy grip, the risk of slips and falls increases exponentially. Snow and ice turn sidewalks, driveways, and stairs into potential hazards. At Kaiman & Crahan, we believe in prevention first. Here are some tips to help you navigate the...
Seat Belts Save Lives

Seat Belts Save Lives

At Kaiman & Crahan, as Louisville personal injury attorneys, we’ve seen firsthand the devastating consequences of car accidents. We’ve also observed that many of these tragic outcomes could have been prevented or significantly mitigated if a seat belt...

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